Turnfurlong Lane, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP21 7PL

01296 489264

Turnfurlong Junior School

The School Day

Early Risers Club

Turnfurlong Junior School has a morning club where children can attend for childcare before 8.30.  Details can be found under Before and After School Care.
Arrival at School
We are currently operating a soft start, so children can arrive at school between 8:30-8.45am and go straight into class.  Children must be on the playground by 8.45am or they will receive a late mark.
Soft Start 8.30am-8.45am
Story  8.45am - 9.00am
Assembly 9.05am - 9.25am
Lesson 1 9.30am - 10.30am
Break 10.30am - 10.45am
Guided Reading 10.45am - 11.15am
Lesson 2 11.15am - 12.15pm
Lunch Years 3 & 4 Lunch first then play
Lunch Years 5 & 6 Play first then lunch
Lesson 3  1.15pm - 2.15pm
Lesson 4 2.15pm - 3.15pm

School Finishes

The school day finishes at 3:15- children are to be collected from the playground..
After School Care
Turnfurlong Junior offers two options for after school care. Details can be found under Before and After School Care

After School Clubs

We offer many after school clubs run by our staff.  Please see clubs section under Clubs
Monday afternoon is a whole school assembly with he theme linked to a topic from our wider curriculum.
Friday afternoon is also a whole school assembly where we celebrate the achievements from the week.
Thursday afternoon is lower and upper key stage assemblies, and includes our class assemblies which are open to parents and families.  Please see the newsletter for dates and times.


Regular school attendance at school is important so that pupils can maximise their educational opportunities.

Good school attendance habits are best started early. Children learn from those around them and you as parents/carers set the standards and expectations for your child. Showing your child the importance of attending school every day not only helps your child to settle quickly when starting school but helps them to keep and maintain friendships and enjoy the school environment.


Attendance guide for parents

Our school is committed to providing a quality education for all pupils. We believe that pupils benefit from the good education in our school through regular school attendance. We will strive to achieve the maximum possible attendance for all pupils and we will make sure that any problems are identified and resolved quickly. This will be achieved by school staff, pupils, parents, carers and external agencies all working together in a team approach.

How parents can help give their child a good education:

  • Ensure that their children attend school regularly and that they arrive on time.
  • Keep all medical appointments outside of school times. We accept that for hospital appointments this may not be possible.
  • Take family holidays in times set aside for holidays i.e. 13 weeks each year which are outside term time.
  • Contact the school whenever their child is absent, giving details of the reason or the absence and the length of time the child will be away. The school telephone number is 01296 489 264.
  • Help their child prepare for the school day by ensuring that the child has everything he/she needs for the day ahead.
  • Attend Parents’ Evenings to discuss progress or problems and talk to the staff if there are problems or changes in family circumstances which may affect the child.


If your child needs time away from for any reason, please click here to notify us.