Turnfurlong Lane, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP21 7PL

01296 489264

Turnfurlong Junior School

" Without mathematics, there's nothing you can do. Everything around you is Mathematics. Everything around you is numbers." - Shakuntala Devi



At Turnfurlong Junior School we believe that  children should leave primary education as confident, resilient mathematicians with a deep conceptual understanding of the skills required to approach any maths problem.  Maths is a skill we use on a daily basis and is an essential part of everyday life.  Therefore, maths forms an important part of our whole curriculum where we aim to ensure that children develop an enjoyment and enthusiasm for maths.  We believe that unlocking mathematical fluency is an essential life skill for all learners and is a pre-requisite to being able to reason and solve problems mathematically.  In order to develop self-belief, confidence and competence in maths we recognise the importance of securing the basic maths skills and understanding of mathematical concepts.  We place emphasis on concrete resources and pictorial representations to enable children to fully understand concepts and principals, when presented with abstract calculations and questions.  Our aim is for children to be confident in transferring these key skills to other areas of maths and also the wider world around them. There is, therefore, a strong focus applying these skills through investigations and real-life maths. 


At TJS we teach daily Maths in ability groups. Children are initially grouped based on their attainment at the end of Key Stage 1 and thereafter the groups are reviewed when we have the results of our in-school assessments. 

Mastery and understanding is developed using the structured approach of the White Rose scheme of learning; which uses concrete resources and then moves to pictorial representation and then finally abstract concepts. Alongside Lancs grid for learning is integrated successfully within the sets to ensure that pace and pitch is at the required level. These schemes build the skills the children need to secure their learning, giving children of all abilities the time and strategies they need to apply their knowledge in everyday situations.

We believe it is vital that key skills are continuously reinforced in every stage of our maths programme.The progression across the school builds on prior learning which is essential to develop mathematical concepts.

Weekly time tables tests encourage children to challenge themselves and move to the next level, supplemented by TTRocks which is an engaging fun programme that supports and motivates all abilities to learn their times tables.

At TJS we believe that regular practice of number skills at home and at school is a vital tool in developing maths skills. MyMaths is an online site that is used to reinforce topics at school with online homework.


The impact of learning maths at Turnfurlong will be:

  • The way maths is seen by children is positive and necessary for supporting their independence in their day-to-day lives
  • To be able to learn from their mistakes and be ready ‘have-a-go’ - where mistakes are integral to the learning process
  • Children moving to secondary school with key number skills mastered
  • A range of strategies for problem-solving 
  • A sound understanding of their times tables
  • Pride in their work and the ability to share what they have learnt


 (coming soon)



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